Watch This With Rick Ramos

#431 - Wong Kar-wai's Fallen Angels - WatchThis W/RickRamos



City of Solitude - Wong Kar-wai's Fallen Angels In the very late 80s and early 1990s, Hong Kong Cinema was evolving from the wuxia epic swordplay films of the Shaw Brothers, Bruce Lee's explosion and evolution into Jackie Chan's Golden Harvest heyday, John Woo's police and crime epics, and the emergence of Wong Kar-wai - a director of intense visual and thematic beauty. This week Ibrahim & I discuss a visually stunning and poetic example of Wong's work; showcasing the after hours nights of 1990s Hong Kong, Wong's film looks at an assassin, his "manager", a recently escaped convict, and a series of questionable types that come into their lives. This is a beautiful film that Ibrahim & I loved and loved talking about. Take a listen and let us know what you think.