Jordan Rimmer Sermons

GETTING THINGS DONE (A theology of productivity)



I have always, out of necessity, been interested in time management, personal success, and leadership literature.  Much of the best work in this field is not done from a Christian perspective.  I was ecstatic to pick up on a whim the book What's Next by Matt Perlman.  He goes past just the x's and o's of getting things done.  He actually gives a theology of productivity.  Ever since I read it I have been dying to share it in a sermon. The sermon has three parts.  The first is a Biblical understanding of productivity.  The second part was a number of practical tips for productivity.  Much of this second part comes from the works of Stephen Covey and David Allen. The third part was an experiment that I did on priorities.  I even had a lab coat and lab goggles for the full effect.  It was a very visual metaphor, but it should come through on the audio.  Essentially, if a jar represents your time then your job is to fill it.  There are little things (sand), medium things (gravel), and important things (larger sto