The Tao Of Jun

Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts



Yesterday I was overwhelmed with sadness and depression. I tried to talk myself out of it like I usually do, but it didn't help... at all. I tried breathing techniques but that didn't help either. I felt overwhelmed with the feelings of despair and deep depression. I usually don't reach out to anyone for help because I don't want to bring anyone down. But in a state of desperation I reached out to my friend, Andre. After my conversation with Andre, I was able to feel a little better and decided to go walk my dogs at the park. Then I met an attorney at the dog park who deals with divorce and custody battles. After my conversation with him I felt a lot better. I was able to sleep last night without much difficulty. Then this morning I called the national suicide hotline and spoke with a man named Carl. I'm so glad I did because the conversation helped me immensely! The reason I'm sharing this is to encourage anyone who is struggling with depression or anxiety, and may be having suicidal thoughts, to please reac