Ecommerce Evolution

Episode 171 - What’s Keeping You from Scaling with Facebook Ads with Dylan Carpenter



With iOS 14 and privacy updates throwing advertisers for a loop and increased ad costs making reaching your ad goals harder than ever, scale on Facebook may seem illusive.  On today’s episode, I wanted to hear from an up-and-coming Facebook ad manager and co-host of the Rich Ad, Poor Ad podcast Dyland Carpenter.  Dylan specializes in eComm media buying and is fanatical about testing, experimenting, and finding ways to scale ad accounts.  Here’s a quick look at what we cover in today’s episode: Common mistakes keeping you from scaling with Facebook ads Why creative is everything and how to approach creative testing Finding the winning campaign formula - learn how Dylan uses controls and tests to always be leveling up. Thoughts on iOS 14  Budgeting for scale and how to be aggressive without breaking the algorithm  Plus more!