Ecommerce Evolution

Episode 219 - GA4: What You Need to Know and How to Get Ready



Chris Mercer - aka “Mercer,” is the man when it comes to measurement and analytics. He’s the guy the pros like Justin Brooke, Mike Rhodes, and OMG turn to when we need help. If you haven’t heard (and I’d be shocked if you haven’t), Google Analytics 4 or GA4 is coming, and Universal Analytics (the current version) will go away in July of 2023.  GA4 isn’t just an upgrade. It’s an entirely different animal. It has to be! Given how technology, user preferences, and policies around privacy have changed over recent years - Google is forced to abandon UA and build something completely new.  In this episode, we talk about what’s new, what’s different, what we’re excited about, and what you can do to prepare.Here’s a glimpse of what we cover: A simple way to understand events and how Google measures them in GA4.  Data storage and how to hold onto your data - If nothing is done, your data will be gone in 2-14 months.  What’s going away vs. what’s here to stay?  How to use GA4 to make better decisions.