Kita All Day

#mindsetReset new year New view



It's a new year. Let's dance!!!! Get up and move that butt. We got to get our minds right to get on a good foot for the new year. I have been in a rut before and I know some people got their checks and might still be in a funk. I don't want them to get the money and spend it too soon and regret it later. I have done it and know I am not the only one. The first tip I gave was to just get up and get moving. Today I am saying listen to some music that makes you happy. Look at the way you are eating and drinking. Does it make you happy!? I realized I was procrastinating more when I didn't drink water and eat right!? Is that happening to you!? Than you really shouldn't spend that #stimulus check just yet. You are not in your right mind just like I was a year ago when I got my tax refund and bought about $1200 in happy planner stickers and accessories.