Kita All Day

#mindsetReject #mindsetReset HELP!!!



Ok so the first week of 2021 is over. The longest week and most dramatic in a number of my years on earth. As I live and breathe in America, I was brought up on the purest form of the American dream. I still see the dream, but it is being overshadowed by an ominous biden nightmare. I hope it is kept in check. The american people are in need of support. The government is slow to help directly, but there are plenty of hoops for the stressed out and despaired to jump through. The humble will gladly put on a show, RIGHT!!? The proud would never demean themselves for handouts? Necessity is the innovation of creativity, hence millions creating channels like this. Don't be a #mindsetReject hit that #ResetButton with me and turn that nightmare of a 2020 into a dream of 2021.