Simmons Here And Now

TELL THE DAMN STORY 212: "To Halloween and Beyond!"



This week Alex and Chris celebrate horror, punk, sci-fi, and pulp with Horror Writers Association -NY co-coordinators James Chambers and Carol Gyzander. We discuss how to write stories in these suspenseful genres, dealing with rejection, becoming part of the surprisingly warm and supportive horror community, and their superb "Galactic Terrors" YouTube series featuring live readings from horror authors around the world. No tricks here, folks; it's all treats!  Have questions or comments for us? Post them in the comments section below or ... Write: And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story The Damn Story Tell The Damn Story #jameschambers #carolgyzander #HWA #horrorfiction #horror #Halloween #pulp #punkfiction #cyberpunk #thekinginyellow #theyellowsign #undertwinsuns #robertwchambers #onthehierophantroad #rawdogscreamingpress #greenhornet #thespider #moonstonpress #kolchak #kolchakthenightstalker #kolchakandthenightstalkers #darrinmcgavin #teeljamesgl