Force Bonding Podcast

Andor Episodes 1-3 Discussion - For The Republic Recap



Welcome to the first installment of our Andor recaps here on For the Republic: A Love Letter to Star Wars Animation! On today's episode, Andrew (@StarlightAndrew), Conor (@DepaBanana), & Don (@DonovanMeade) discuss the series premiere of Andor! We break down the biggest themes and moments of the 1st 3 episodes of the series, including Cassian's backstory, the worldbuilding on Ferrix, the real-world themes ever-present in the show's storytelling, and our newfound devotion towards Bix Caleen, and lack of devotion towards Timm. #BixEnthusiast *ANDOR EPISODES 1-3 SPOILERS* Episodes Discussed: "Kassa" (S1E1), "That Would Be Me" (S1E2), "Reckoning" (S1E3) Listen to our newest For the Republic episode!- Check out the 1st episode of Galactic Senate Sitdowns- "WHAT CHOICE?": Star Wars Fans for Abortion Access- Support the Amidala Initiative-