Franchise Canada Chats

Season 3 Episode 1 | Brian Bazely & Rahul Kumar - Driverseat



In this episode, we talk to CEO Brian Bazely and franchisee Rahul Kumar of Driverseat, a transportation franchise that offers two-fold services as a chauffeur and shuttle provider. Brian and his brother Luke Bazely co-founded Driverseat in 2012, with the goal of doing something good for the community. Driverseat is in over 400 communities in Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario, with one location in the US. Rahul owns a location in Calgary which he operates alongside his wife, and he says he was drawn to Driverseat because of their values as a socially responsible franchise. During this episode, Brian shares: - How he and his brother support their many franchisees, - The impact COVID-19 had on business - Key learnings from this challenging year Rahul shares: - His goals for his Driverseat franchise - His favourite thing about running his own business (including a lot of emotions and learning opportunities!) - His new Grocery Shop & Drop program that was created to support seniors during the pandemic