Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate With Leigh Brown

392 - Becoming a Divorce Real Estate Specialist with Prof. Kelly Murray, J.D.



Are you or someone you know going through a divorce? Safeguard your finances and home ownership eligibility with Prof. Kelly Murray, J.D., as she presents a smarter way to work with lawyers and real estate professionals before divorce mediation. Plus, you’ll also hear a crazy good story about the time they actually stopped a couple from divorcing!   Key takeaways to listen for Importance of involving real estate and mortgage professionals in family property disputes Appealing divorce settlements: Process, tips, and the data to make it easier When does the most significant damage to your credit score happen? Different approaches to divorce and property distribution between states Services offered by Divorce This House and how you can benefit from them   Resources mentioned in this episode Selling Sunset FICO HousingWire   Ready to work with Divorce Lawyers and earn (repeating) monthly referrals? Want a Niche that is Predictable, Positive, and Profitable? Make divorce real estate your niche by earning your