Night Owls

Step into the time machine back to Brigadoon



Tommy, Brigadoon is not there anymore. Oh, really?? Brigadoon is a wonderful story I first saw in a live theater production when I was a child, and it stuck with me. This version was made-for-tv in 1966 and stars Peter Falk and Robert Goulet.  This was the closest to an Irish movie we could find, and it's SCOTLAND/SCOTTISH, totally different, I know. So, step into the time machine with me at this St Patrick's Day time, back to 1760's SCOTLAND (not Ireland) to discover the terrible dilemma of a couple who fall in love, until he discovers she was born in 1742 in this strange village he has stumbled upon, and HE is a swinging-1960s- New Yorker. Do they separate, or does he stay in the magical village of yesteryear and adapt to the ways of 1760's Scotland?   Paranormal and true love know no bounds.