Sex With Dr. Jess

Help! We’re not sexually compatible



How do you manage sexual incompatibility? What do you do when one of you wants sex all the time and the other has trouble getting in the mood? And how do you get yourself in the mood to be a "giver" when it doesn't come naturally? Sex therapist Dr. Donna Oriowo joins us to answer your questions about sex and relationships. Dr. Donna Oriowo (oreo-whoa!) LICSW, CST, is an award-winning DEI advocate, international speaker and certified sex and relationship therapist in the Washington D.C. metro area. Dr. Donna is the owner of private practice, AnnodRight, which specializes in working with Black women on issues related to colorism and texturism and its impacts on mental and sexual health. Dr. Donna specializes in working with Black women to feel Free, Fabulous, and F*cked! She is the author of Cocoa Butter & Hair Grease: A Self Love Journey Through Hair and Skin and the host of a weekly community space for Black women called In My Black Feelings. Dr. Donna collects inspiring quotes, eats donuts, loves pasta