Ceo Vibes Podcast

003: Steps to Developing a Content Marketing Strategy



I’m obsessed with content marketing. It’s a passion of mine because you are marketing to people by GIVING to them and I just think this is the coolest thing ever. I don’t care too much for all the selfish sales funnels and the trends in marketing that are focused on the business owner. I love the fact that content marketing is focused on the consumer, not the business.    Content marketing is a strategy that, simply put, leads people to free content that solves a specific problem and leads them down a sales funnel to accomplish a specific objective. In other words, give away free knowledge in hopes your awesome audience will buy what you are selling!   This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!