Ceo Vibes Podcast

035: Creating a Successful Pre-Launch and Post-Launch Strategy



So I know you know that I love marketing, obviously I started this podcast which is all about authentic marketing techniques so your message can get seen by more people. In the marketing world, we talk a LOT about launching. Quarterly launches, monthly launches, or even weekly mini launches. Someone is launching their new program, their new service, their new coaching consultation, their new product they just ordered a bunch of. Right? I feel like we forget about the pre-launch and post-launch strategy and I truly believe that if we spend just a few more moments on the pre-launch and post-launch phase we can up our engagement and conversions during our launch phase. So I brought on Kate Boyd, who is a launch strategist and she helps people build funnels and map out their launch strategies which is very similar to what I offer my clients as well so I knew we would both hit it off so well and feed off each other’s excitement over launching! Kate is SO incredible and I just know you’re going to love her. This ep