Ceo Vibes Podcast

039: The Strategy Behind Setting up a Promoted Pin that Converts



Today I am walking Raewyn through the strategy I use to set up a promoted pin that converts. I do not do a lot of coaching except for my $97 for 60 minute sessions, but I don’t do a lot of coaching especially here on the podcast, but when she reached out specifically about promoted pins I knew this was a topic that a LOT of my sweet audience struggles with so I asked if we could make this a podcast episode while we walked through this together.    So I pulled out a piece of paper once Raewyn hopped on Skype with me, we mapped out her whole strategy and divided it into phases. Once we had our map we got on Pinterest and I walked her through how to set up a promoted pin and my advice on each step! I know this is going to be SO helpful for you so I’m excited for you to listen to this episode.  This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan a