Sticker Stories Podcast

Char Brown Started Brown Joy So Her Daughter Could See Herself In The World



Charminta Brown is the founder and owner of Brown Joy, a brand that highlights the importance of representation, worthiness, and normalcy by featuring Black and Brown characters in everyday products, such as stickers and other industries where Black and Brown people are not commonly seen. Char has daughter named Joy, and as a mom, she always wants Joy to see herself in everything positive specifically in children’s products. For example, every time Charminta would take her daughter Joy to the Pediatrician, Dentist office, or business that gave children stickers, Joy would always receive stickers of animals or of characters that do not look like her. Charminta was exhausted from witnessing the lack of representation in sticker selection, so she decided to create Brown Joy where Black and Brown characters can be showcased in everyday items we love and enjoy. Brown Joy wholeheartedly believes that all children need to see positive images of Black and Brown characters. The purpose of this brand is to create i