Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

Do you give leads a nudge? & Live Check in Q&A No.92



This is probably a “it’ depends” type answers but As an online coaching how often would you message and check up / support your clients, especially if they are new to your service? What is the best way to go about messaging old leads and clients What questions would you ask when a client leaves the service? Two of my clients took a break from my service recently (one for a few months, the other for a few weeks). I stayed in contact with them and they mentioned looking forward to coming back. They were supposed to come back last week. I contacted them, one said "Yes, no worries, just need to check my calender and I'll get back to you." She hasn't gotten back to me. The other completely ghosted me. How would you approach this? I know that "no response is a response", but they were both so eager that it's hard to let go. How to support a client who is suffering with depression? She hasn't been adhering to weekly check in's or her training programme for the last 6 weeks. I'm being very empathetic but