Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

512 | What I've Learned From Helping Toxic People



After 10 years of leading people through an in-depth, discovery process of themselves, our Next-Level Life event, I’ve discovered that a lot of people are hurting and discouraged.I’ve also found some great perspective that can help us to get unstuck and move forward!The problem is that it’s really easy to blame others, our circumstances, or past failures for not getting ahead in life. However, in most cases, it’s that we’re standing in our own way!That’s not an easy truth to swallow, but acknowledging that we are, at times, our own worst enemy is a step in the right direction. It helps us start addressing the wounds in our hearts.On today’s show, I’m joined once again by one of our team members, as we dive into how toxicity accumulates inside of us and weighs us down. But, what does it mean to be toxic?Toxins are basically poison. They kill or destroy health. It’s anti–life, health, and flourishing. Imagine a wound that we received in our mind, that gets infected and won’t go away. That wound has to be cleane