The Blockchain Show

238: Centre Consortium / Kim Hamilton Duffy



Kim Hamilton Duffy is Centre’s Director of Identity and Standards. The Centre Consortium, an independent standard-setting body for the crypto ecosystem created by Coinbase and Circle. Centre launched an innovative set of decentralized identity protocols, called Verite, to address this question of how to protect our digital identities. Verite is designed to give people and organizations direct control over how, when, and where their personal information is shared in the crypto economy.  The standards can protect individuals’ digital identities for new blockchain-based apps in the next era of the internet. Algorand, Alkemi, Block, Coinbase, Circle, Compound Labs, ConsenSys, Espresso Systems, FTX, Hedera Hashgraph, Ledger, MetaMask Institutional, Phantom Technologies, Solana Foundation, Spruce, and Stellar Development Foundation have already committed to collaborating on shared decentralized identity standards using Verite.