Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

Evaluating Your Career



About this episode:  This this episode we cover 8 questions you should be asking yourself to evaluate your career. Get clarity on whether or not your dream career is truly your dream career! Don't get to end of your career and realize you pursued the wrong career for years.  These are the 8 questions you should be asking yourself when it comes to your career.  What is it? What is your dream career? Why do you want it? When do you want to get there? How will this make me feel? How will obtaining this job make me feel? Is this what you want to feel? Where am I at now? Where are you at right now from your career standpoint? What skills or knowledge do I need to obtain? How long will it take to acquire those skills / knowledge? Does this financially make sense? Can I accomplish in my current job? Talk to others in this job This is EVERYTHING!  What do they like about thei