Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

Popular Interview Questions



Have you ever wondered what questions are going to be asked in your interview? Keep listening!  Popular Interview Questions  If you’re heading into an interview for your dream job you want to make sure you are prepared as much as possible so you are confident going into your interview. I would recommend practicing some of these popular interview questions.  1 - Tell me what had originally caught your attention about ABC Inc and why you’re interested in 123 position. Recruiters and hiring managers really want to know why you want to work for the company and why you want this particular role. 2 - Talk to me about a typical day or typical week and your responsibilities. We are looking to understand how you spend your time and what you are responsible for. 3 - Talk to me about your goals and how you performed to that goal. Recruiters / hiring managers are looking to see if you are hitting your goals. 4 - Why are you looking at news job / What is currently motivating you to want to explore new