Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

Dealing With Disrespect At Work



Today we are talking about dealing with disrespect at work, this can be a really challenging thing to deal with.  As humans we tend to react to disrespect faster than our brains can catch up if that makes sense.  If someone is being mean and disrespectful to me,  typically I react with emotion, which there is nothing wrong with emotion, don’t get me wrong.  But, I don’t always slow down and think about what the situation is and what’s happening.    This is really, really important at work.  Most of us see our colleagues on a daily basis and we really want to make sure we are building and maintaining those relationships.    Two things to keep in mind:   1) Be very approachable and consciously be thinking about this. 2) Be available so you can have the conversation and move on.   During the conversation do these 7 things:  1) Assume there was positive intent behind whatever happened, assume they are coming from a good place until yo