Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

Self Awareness



Have you ever wondered how your self awareness impacts your work?  Or how personal development impacts your work? Today we are talking about self awareness, this is really important both at work and at home.   Today we are talking about 7 things you need to be self aware of:  1) Strengths  What do you do well? What are the things you totally awesome at  2) Weaknesses  Where are your areas of opportunity? What are the things you can still grow in? What do you need improvement on? A couple tools you can use to help better understand yourself are:  1) Myers Briggs personality test  Check out: 2) Strengths Finder (book) Here is a link to the book on Amazon:  When I first got into personal development and looked at these two tools, I was literally blown away by all the information I learned.