Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

What To Include And Exclude From Your Resume



Have you ever started applying for jobs and submitted a ton of applications but didn’t really get any responses or getting a ton of rejection letters?  Or not making it past the application stage?  If the answer is yes, there might be something wrong with your resume.    What to include on your resume:  1) Contact information  First and last name (put what you want to be called on your resume, you can put your legal name on your application) Phone number - it should be the number you want to be contact at (cell phone vs. house phone) Email  City and state  2) Education  If you have a college degree, include your college degree and beyond  If you do not have a college degree, you want to make sure you have your high school education on there  3) Skills  Should be bulleted out  5-10 skills  Relevant to the jobs you’re applying for  4) Experience  Job history  If you don’t have any working history, you