Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

STAR And SHARE Interview Methods



Today we are talking about the STAR and SHARE interview methods.  If we know what the recruiter or interviewer is using for their interview methods, you can be better prepared for your interview.  These are interview methods used to evaluate your behavioral based interview questions.   STAR S - Situation - Describe the situation  T - Task- Describe the task you are responsible for completing given situation described above A - Action - Given the situation and the task you had to complete, you will describe the action you took to complete the task and resolve the situation  R - Result - Describe the result of the action you took, the task that was completed and the situation that was resolved    SHARE S - Situation - Describe the situation  H - Hinderances - Describe any hinderances or obstacles you encountered when resolving the situation  A - Action - Given the situation and the task you had to complete, you will describe the action you took to complete the task a