Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

Asking For Help



Have you ever needed to ask for help and weren’t sure how? Or overwhelmed and you weren’t sure what to do next?    How exactly you’re going to be executing on asking for help:  Understand what you’re own expertise is and also where your knowledge gaps are  Explain what you’ve already tried and where you are stuck  Prepping your questions for that other person in advance   Quick tips and reminders:  You don’t need to carry the burden of working alone all by yourself forever  We don’t have to be the super hero all the time  There is no shame is asking for help Knowing that is always good to have another person’s perspective  Be very specific when you’re asking for your help  Take notes  Asking for clarification or having follow questions  Make sure we are being kind, courteous, curious and that you’re having fun Be open to feedback and criticism and potentially negative comments    Positive attributes for asking