Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

Let’s Talk Cover Letters: How to Write A Cover Letter / What To Include / Etc.



Have you ever been curious on how to write a really amazing cover letter?    Today we are talking about cover letters and answering some of these questions:  Are they important? Should I write one? How much time should I take on one? What should I include?    Question 1: Should I write a cover letter? Answer: Maybe. Most recruiters do not read cover letters if I am being totally honest.  That being said, there are some hiring managers out there that want to see cover letters.    Question 2: What should I include in my cover letter? Answer: They should be brief and you want to remember you are writing TO someone.  Include:  An attention grabbing paragraph - try asking a question Accomplishments paragraph  Company paragraph  Position paragraph    Thank you so much for listening. I would love to connect and learn how I can help you! Connect with me below!!!  To connect -  Facebook: