Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

How To Be More Productive At Work



 Productivity is my jam!     When we are looking at how do we become more productive, a good starting point is listing out (separate lists), what are the lists we absolutely have to do every day, week, month and year.    For example, for monthly, what are the things you’ve done this month to add to your annual review.     As a recruiter I have 8 things on my to do list every single day.  For example, review all of the direct applies, look at LinkedIn messages, etc.     Every week I update a report and follow up with candidates in process if I haven’t talked to them yet that week.     Write the lists out of the things you absolutely have to do every day, every week, every month and every year.    Under those absolute must dos, underneath draw a line and add the things we should do.    Then add another line and add everything that would be great to do.    So there are 3 sections:   Absolute must