Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

Tips for finding better work life balance



Here's the thing, and this is good to know out of the gate, there is no such thing as work life balance. Life is not balanced. Work is not balanced. It's more of a moving target Tips to achieve better balance  Prioritize  Delegate  Ask for help  Evaluate  Utilize and emphasize your strengths  Do your hardest tasks when you work best  What are your non negotiable items = stick to this  What tools, apps, technology, software, etc can help you? Movement / exercise  Coach? Therapist?  Do and schedule the things that bring you joy Take breaks  Use your time off  Structure your day / week / month / year  Could you get up earlier? Go to bed sooner? Batch tasks  Don'e just play on the weekends  Stay focused at the tasks at hand  Commit to a go home by time and make it vocal  Shut down completely when you're not at work  To do list - can you outsource anything? Get organized  Mas