Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

Resume Refresher - 24 Resume Writing Tips



Consistent formatting (font, spacing, dates, titles, abbreviations, use of capital letters, city, state, headers, etc) Keyword brainstorm - ensure the right words are on your resume  Tools used - be specific (software, technology, methodologies, applications)  Rules / laws / guidelines - be specific and consistent  If with the same company, tuck all the jobs under the company name  Heading are consistent and make senes  No references  Specific numbers (sold X, saved X, increased productivity by X) Words you're using (manager vs leader; led a team vs subordinates)  Education - remove dates and GPA  Clients / customers / industries  If a contract role, list that  Contact info at the top - email and phone  Work experience is relevant and/or last ~10-15 years  Be honest  What's the goal of your resume  Who can review your resume and give you feedback? Resume matches LinkedIn Bullet points over paragraphs&nbs