Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

It Is NEVER Too Late To Make A Career Change



To do: Evaluate  Don't want to make a move to another dud  What do you like to do? And why? What do you dislike doing? And why? What have you loved about your past roles? What have you hated about past roles?  What kind of leaders do you like to work for? What kind of leader do you not want to work for? What type of team do you want to be a part of? What type of work are you looking to do? What sort of office environment do you want? What kind of corporate culture are you looking for?  How will you know you are happy? How do you want to feel in your new career? What do you need to know before you can determine something is a good fit? Income differential? Pros Cons  Risks  Research Are you qualified for this new role? What do you need to do to become qualified  What experience / skills do you need to get or acquire  Make a plan, a specific plan to close the gap  Network / ask questions  Make it happen  Be happ