Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

How To Deal With Constant Change At Work



Constant change is not easy. Can feel like a rollercoaster ride. Sometimes we will feel like we want to tap out and get off the ride. I get it!! Change can come in many ways: Corporate transformations Acquisitions Mergers Re-structure Re-org Layoffs Hiring freezes New leadership Pay increase freezes Opening and closing offices Hyper growth Lack of structures / systems Tips: Deep breath Re-focus Set up ways to remind yourself of #2 Try to understand why all the changes are happening Make your skillset known Stay the course Offer to help Be genuine and authentic Pause, slow down, reflect Evaluate - with all the changes, is this still a good fit for you? Keep positive / upbeat / optimistic Take the opportunity to learn new things Determine if you want to or need to set up new goals / change course Talk through and resolve any issues or struggles Understand if what you are measured on, your KPIs, are changing or staying the same Recognize when you've hit