Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

What To Do When You Have Lost Your Job / Career / Work Passion



We absolutely need to be passionate about something! Could be in your job, also could be in your personal life. Something that fuels us. Sometimes we are going through some hard stuff and work and our passion fizzles out. That is ok What we need to evaluate is: Is this funk or fizzle permanent? Is it worth riding it out / sticking it out / seeing it through? Do your have other passions outside of work? I've had jobs that fizzle from a passion perspective, find other things! Learning Getting outside our comfort zone Exercise Podcasting Puppies Etc etc There are also times where the passion increases at work so we may have to slow down on passions outside of work. Tips: Stay positive What were you passionate about, if anything? What are you currently passionate about? Is there anything from your personal life you can incorporate into work? Have a transparent conversation with your leader Stop the grind What changed? Are you just bored? Or have you truly lost your passion