Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

What To Do When You Are Passed Over For A Promotion



It certainly doesn't feel good to be passed over for a promotion. Don't get bitter, get better! Did you apply for the role? Or make your desire for the role known? Tips: Express gratitude for being considered Get feedback from your manager If the hiring manager is not your manager, get feedback from that person as well Figure out what you need to improve on and make a plan Have a candid conversation around expectations and when you should achieve certain tasks / goals to be eligible for a promotion Ask yourself if this was a blessing in disguise Stay focused and engaged Determine what's next Track your progress and accomplishments Evaluate how long you've been in your role with no promotion to help determine if you should look externally Process and move through any negative emotions so you don't become bitter or resentful Evaluate if that promotion is / was the type of work you still want to move into Be positive and welcoming to the person who got the role To support the show: Pay