Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

Gaps In Job History and The Impact It Has



There could be many reasons someone has a gap in their resume Laid off Company folded Person left before finding something new Contract ended Needed to take time off to care for a family member Caring for young child Medical reasons Addiction recovery Relocation Start your own company Traveling Spiritual / religious reasons Personal development Impacts: Could be viewed as negative People could think you couldn't find a job Could give you an opportunity to re-charge Opportunity to re-evaluate priorities Time to learn something new Start / finish new projects Start your business Part time work Changed careers / industries Opportunity to pick up contracting work or temp work Volunteering Tips: Explain the gap, keep it short, be confident Keep it positive Provide productive things you did during the time off Networking Resume - try using years vs mm/yyyy format Don't dwell on the gap Be honest and transparent Prepare to discuss but don't focus o