Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

Have The Rules Changed? Market Insights and Misc Job Searching Tips



Market insights Unemployment: April 2020 - 14.7% May 2020 - 13.3% June 2020 - 11.1% 2008-2009 - unemployment peaked at roughly 10% All data courtesy of Separations: 2008-2009 - Roughly 3.5% March 2020 - 9.7% April 2020 - 7.5% Number of unemployed persons per job opening: April 2020 - 4.6 2008-2009 - 1.9-6.4 Other things to consider: CARES act additional unemployment is expiring EOM July 2020 Looking at 2nd wave of COVID-19 cases Will small businesses be able to make up the losses? We very very quickly moved from a candidate market to an employer market  Tips: If you get a enough of a notice for your lay off / furlough, try to pre-pay as many bills as possible Check out facebook groups for your particular area of expertise Link to the cover letter episode: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merch (you ca