Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

How To Turn Around Low Performance At Work



Low performance at work is no good. It can be an indicator something is wrong. Often we need to make a change or pivot. Either you or your leader could notice or bring up the low performance. Why you might have low performance: Don't care Personal life impacting work Poor leader / leadership Lack of support Don't have the tools needed Not aligning to the vision or bigger picture Lack of plan or schedule Poor communication Not putting in the work / effort Can't get motivated / lack of energy Not being challenged enough / not working on the right projects or type of work Little to no recognition / appreciation Not being seen or heard Doing too much Cluttered physical space Toxic work environment What to do about it: Ask yourself how you are feeling Understand expectations / goals / KPI's /etc. Create a plan Assess if you're in the right role / working for right leader / in right organization Do you need to take time off? Delegate? Rebalance workload? Ask for what you