Chatting With Sherri

We welcome storyboard artist & Illustrators of the Future judge; Rob Prior!



Chatting With Sherri welcomes leading storyboard artist and Illustrators of the Future judge; Rob Prior! Best known for his art provided for Spawn, Heavy Metal comics and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as well as his rare ability of painting with both hands at the same time. As a comic book artist, he has worked with Marvel, D.C., Todd McFarlane, Kevin Eastman and Image Comics, to name a few, with his most notable credits on Spawn, Terminator, Deep Space 9, Evil Ernie, Melting Pot, Lady Death and Heavy Metal. As a leading storyboard artist, Prior has provided storyboards for advertising campaigns such as Budweiser and Nikon, as well as for the gaming industry, for Titleist, 2K Games, Terminator 3 and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He also created all the storyboards and animatics for the video games Ghost Rider and The Darkness. As an illustrator, Prior has supplied cover art and interior art material for Steve Jackson Games, TSR (Dungeons and Dragons), Wizards of the Coast, Battle of the Lords of the 23rd Century, a