Hyper Nonsense - Podcast/internet Radio From San Luis Obispo, Ca

Your Body Is Trying To Save You



Welcome to our very first podcast ever! That we've ever recorded...? Maybe not. In this episode, we recount our history in podcasting going back to January/2005. We talk about the state of our work situation and how we're going thru the process of starting our own business. We encounter a small technical glitch with the recording (sorry!) and then we finish off with a fun news item about drunks burning down a pizza parlor. Highlights include: New (to us) microphones, we got 'em. I explain the definition of "podcasting 1.0." Jen was somewhat apprehensive of being on the microphone. Back in 2005. I had the idea of posting "recorded radio shows" back in 2004. We found the name of our show thru LiveJournal. ("Hyper Nonsense World Tabasco Shower") We've podfaded a thousand shows. Not really. YouTube hasn't made us rich and/or famous. We're not Business People! We have another website called Book of Jen. A history of horns: Both the Importance and Fail kinds. I worked briefly for Automatti