

We've done it! Yes, it's true. We've successfully doubled the number of episodes we've produced so far. In honor of this milestone, we've decided to end the show. Just kidding! How could we quit now? We've got listeners leaving us comments, tweets, even calling us at home in the middle of the night! We've got new audio gear and we're happy to tell you about it, even if we do have "more money than sense" in buying all of this stuff. We also discovered that the Australian prime minister has apparently been listening to our pods for years. Star Wars references! We got those, too. And daring helicopter-based escapes from Canadian prisons. More details: I had considered putting together a complete "historical archive" of all of our episodes instead of just starting over with episode one. That didn't happen. Jen made an interesting connection between my ideas for that show archive and Robotech. You can now listen to Hyper Nonsense thru several different platforms. Check the sidebar of the site