

October's been a weird and busy month. But we're back with our latest episode! We talked about our big studio move (the main reason we haven't done a show in a few weeks). Then, we covered my recent computer issues and explained why I'm now using an antiquated Mac Mini. I told the story of a guy who was giving a real-life Yelp review of the local Ross store. (Spoiler: It includes a lot of swearing!) We went over some listener feedback and then we finished out the show with some hilariously bad retro sex-ed advice. Links: Jen's Instagram The 2011 iMac is Officially a Lemon 10 Hilariously Bad Pieces Of Retro Sex Ed Advice For Teens Get in touch with us! e-Mail: Twitter: @hypernonsense Call our voicemail line: 805-725-5085 Subscribe to Hyper Nonsense: RSS | iTunes | Spreaker | Stitcher | TuneIn | Android | Google Play Music Let us know if your favorite podcast app/platform isn't listed above!