Bossy Bruja Prayers

Love Invocation 02: Love is Patient



Prayer  God, this prayer is a little bit difficult for me because I have these preconceptions, I have these beliefs carried over from my youth that tell me I should feel a certain way—that my love life should look a certain way. But I know that truth is often subtle; that truth is truth whether or not other people believe it; that even romance has been romanticized. [Laughter] I am so thankful for the life my Sisters, Brothers, and I get to live. I am so thankful for another day. I’m grateful to know you as absolute power—to know that I am full of, permeated by, and surrounded by the absolute power in existence—that nothing is impossible to us. There is no ‘incurable’, there is no ‘impossible’ when we know Spirit. I’m grateful to know that and I’m grateful to know that we each have the very real ability to create the loves of our lives, to create the love that we desire and dream of. And we take this responsibility seriously, God.  Thank you for co-creating the love of our lives with us whether we are in that