Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

511 | Mastering Time and Money



Relationships, time, and money. These are probably the three greatest personal assets that you’ll ever have the privilege (and the responsibility) of managing. When we don’t steward these things well, we end up experiencing difficulty and pain in life. That’s why we talk so much about healthy relationships around here. We dig into topics like setting healthy boundaries, where we get our worth, and surface level responses.Why? These tools help us to reframe our relationships (with ourselves and others) in a healthier way. But, what about having a healthy relationship with your time and money? Without a healthy view of our resources, these blessings can become a curse. What we don’t steward well can actually start to control and manipulate us. We start to get our worth from these things, and our sense of value and significance gets twisted.If we don’t rightly relate to our assets, then they will absolutely enslave us. We start to believe lies. Conflict and control creeps in. We fail to put boundaries, and then