Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

508 | Tales From The Business Side



Leaders frequently struggle in very specific and vital areas of their business. To make matters worse, they tend to lack actionable clarity and they can often feel alone in their roles.Maybe you’ve been here too, stuck in the Crazy Cycle and unable to scale. Teams often lack the quality communication necessary to thrive, and they unknowingly harbor toxic work cultures.After helping thousands of people take on challenges like these in their businesses, we’ve learned a few things about leaders and their teams that you’ll find both surprising and helpful.Uncovering the gaps that exist in your business, between knowledge and implementation, is key to seeing the change that you desire. I can tell you that it takes persistence and a new perspective to discover those gaps, and that’s where we come in.This month, we have the awesome privilege of celebrating TEN YEARS of making a difference in leaders’ lives, leading them to perspective, and helping them to take their businesses to the Next-Level!In this episode, I’m