Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

Week 7 - Being Kind To Yourself



https://linktr.ee/barbarafaison Greetings! I mentioned last week that I have been working on my Affirm Your Life audio program on the power of using affirming words in your life. I can be REALLY focused and get pretty intense when I'm creating something. For weeks I've been writing and researching and I was getting frustrated with my progress.  The process is researching, outlining, writing the program/script, reading the script out loud, recording the script, editing the script, testing content and then I submit the program for review or publish it myself. I can get a little antsy while doing this process and last week I was ready to be done. Guess what? After writing about journaling for 37 days last Monday, I forgot to journal the next day. I realized this on Wednesday as I sat down to journal that day. I had to  remind myself to use my tools and practices. I had been so stuck in my head trying to force ideas about the course that I forgot to journal the day before. Changing my environm