Jsedirect With Simon Brown

JSEDirect 164: Iron Ore Wars & Q&A with Tshepo Modiba



Q&A with Tshepo Modiba, Head of Equities at Seriti Asset Management Top down vs. bottom up investing Benchmarking Discounted Cash Flow Investment themes Investing into Africa We Get Mail John I share your enthusiasm for ETFs and have noted your liking for the BBET40 fund. I am however puzzled as to why this has performed relatively poorly in comparison to the ALSH, TOPI and SATRIX 40 particularly from the middle of 2012 until late 2014. Can you shed any light as to why this has been the case? Morne I've been reading up on the TFSA accounts and investment possibilities. In the recent Finweek you also comment on the TFSA and your choice of ETF selection being DBXWLD, PROPTRAX10 and BBET40. After consideration I definitely also want to invest in those three but nowhere can I seem to find a provider where I can select those three choices. Subscriber to our feed here or sign up for email alerts as a new show goes live or subscribe in iTunes. JSE – The JSE is a registered trademark of the JSE Limite