Jsedirect With Simon Brown

JSEDirect 170: ETFs with Nerina Visser, TFG Dividend and Top40 Changes



Nerina Visser on Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) A a thirty minute Q&A session answering questions and talking about; Tracking errors Inflation linked bonds The new S&P Givi ETFs (Global Intrinsic Value Index)  Active ETFs  And more, much more We get Mail Alwyn Please explain The Foschini Group (TFG) crip or cash dividend option? was that a sneaky rights issue? thanks for the great show. Anees The scenario is I know what share to buy but at present I don't have money for all of them. So I'm building capital as I go along. My dilemma is with the amount of money I have do I get a little now while the share attractive and low and bulk up as the capital becomes available.(my preferred choice) Or do I wait till I have the desired amount of capital and then go in and taking into account by that time the share might have appreciated. I am definitely investing for the long term. Subscriber to our feed here or sign up for email alerts as a new show goes live or subscribe in iTunes. JSE – The JSE is a