

Everything is created twice... Where there is no vision the people perish. ~Proverbs If success can be defined as "creating your ideal future" then it's essential to know what your ideal future looks like. Are you able to clearly articulate that vision. If you close your eyes now, can you envision what it might look like three or five years out? "Your imagination is your preview to life's coming attractions." Albert Einstein Unfortunately, out of one hundred people it's likely that less than ten will take the time to really think through and envision their ideal future. Fewer still will write it out! Martin suggests that you identify all the major categories of your life: professional, health, family, relationships, mind, spiritual, adventure, recreation and where you will live and detail each as a vivid and descriptive paragraph. A Chinese proverb says, "Vision without execution is a day dream and execution without vision is a nightmare." Once a compelling vision is crafted you'll be "pulled" by it as Steve