

"Ill ALL habits gather by unseen degrees, as brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas." If being on "THE PATH" (last episode), is absolutely essential to assuring "the great adventure"—living the life of your dreams— then, how can you get ON THE PATH? This question conjures up a couple of other questions: 1) What keeps anyone from getting on the path in the first place? 2) How do you know it's the right path? The most common challenge preventing people from getting on the path is CLARITY. Many people just aren't clear where it is they want to go. Thus, it's tough to arrive at a destination that hasn't been defined, and even tougher to be on a path that takes you there! However, if someone is clear about where they want to go, but has not yet stepped on the path, it's almost always because they are afraid. Stepping on THE PATH takes courage, and courage, as Winston Churchill put it, is the foremost quality that helps to assure all others. Finally, one more common fear emerges: "How do I know this is the right pa